What is a Breast Fat Transfer

Breast fat transfer, often referred to as autologous fat transfer or fat grafting, is a type of cosmetic surgery procedure conducted by cosmetic practitioner, Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy.

This procedure utilises your body's own fat, taken from areas like the abdomen, hips, or thighs, and transfers it to the breasts. The intention is to alter the size and shape of the breasts using body fat instead of traditional synthetic implants. The harvested fat is purified and then carefully injected into the breasts.

One aspect of the breast fat transfer procedure is that it involves the transfer of fat from one area of the body to another. This means fat is removed from selected areas and inserted into the breasts. Because the procedure uses the patient's own body fat, the risk of an allergic reaction or rejection is often considered to be lower compared to procedures using synthetic materials. As with any cosmetic surgery procedure, a breast fat transfer requires an understanding of the process, potential risks, and recovery time.

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy is committed to providing clear, accurate, and comprehensive information about this procedure, enabling you to make a well-informed decision.

Risks and Potential Complications

Some risks and potential complications associated with breast fat transfer surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Changes in sensation in the breast or the donor site
  • Asymmetry or irregularities in breast shape and size
  • Fat necrosis (death of fat cells transferred into the breast)
  • Anaesthesia risks
  • Scarring

Breast Fat Transfer Recovery

Recovery from breast fat transfer surgery varies among individuals due to personal healing rates and pain tolerance. Typically, patients can expect to take a one to two-week break from work and limit strenuous activities for up to six weeks post-surgery.

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a safe and comfortable recovery.

During the recovery phase, patients may experience temporary swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be effectively managed with prescribed medications. A compression garment may be recommended to aid healing in the areas where fat was extracted.

Consultation and Personalised Approach

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy offers personalised consultations for patients considering breast fat transfer surgery. This session provides the opportunity to discuss your aesthetic goals, medical history, and any queries or concerns you may have.

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide comprehensive information about the breast fat transfer procedure, its risks, the recovery process, and expected outcomes. Remember, it's important to have realistic expectations, as outcomes can vary based on factors such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle.

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy is committed to guiding you through the decision-making process, ensuring you achieve a result that's perfectly tailored to your body and aesthetic desires. For more information about breast fat transfer surgery or to schedule a consultation with Brisbane's cosmetic practitioner, Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy, please contact our clinic today.


At Dr. Hatem Aesthetics we believe in transparent and all-inclusive pricing. Our costs cover everything you need for a successful and comfortable experience.


Our pricing includes:

  • X2 MOTIVA round implants
  • Compression garment
  • Keller funnel
  • Hospital & Anaesthetic fee
  • Dr. Hatem's fee
  • 12 months of postoperative appointments

Schedule an in person or virtual telehealth appointment at a time that suits you best using our online booking platform.



What is a breast fat transfer procedure?
Breast fat transfer is a cosmetic surgical procedure that uses the patient's own fat, harvested from areas like the abdomen, hips, or thighs, to alter the size and shape of the breasts.
Who is a suitable candidate for a breast fat transfer?

Generally, women who are at a stable weight, non-smokers, and have enough fat deposits in other areas of their body for harvesting may be suitable candidates for breast fat transfer.

How is a breast fat transfer performed?

In a breast fat transfer procedure, fat is first harvested from a part of the body using liposuction. The fat is then purified and carefully injected into the breasts.

What are the potential risks and complications of a breast fat transfer?

Some potential risks and complications of a breast fat transfer include infection, bleeding, changes in sensation in the breast or the donor site, asymmetry or irregularities in breast shape and size, fat necrosis, anaesthesia risks, and scarring.

What is the recovery process like after a breast fat transfer?

The recovery process varies among individuals. Typically, patients can expect to take a one to two-week break from work and limit strenuous activities for up to six weeks post-surgery.

How long do the results from a breast fat transfer last?

The longevity of breast fat transfer results can vary based on factors such as the patient's lifestyle, genetics, and age.

Can a breast fat transfer be combined with other procedures?

Yes, a breast fat transfer can be combined with other procedures. However, this should be discussed with your surgeon during the consultation.

What is the difference between a breast fat transfer and breast implants?

A breast fat transfer uses the patient's own fat to alter the size and shape of the breasts, while breast implants involve the insertion of saline or silicone implants.

How much does a breast fat transfer procedure cost?

The cost of a breast fat transfer can vary based on numerous factors. It is best to discuss this with your surgeon or the clinic during the consultation.

What should I expect during the initial consultation for a breast fat transfer?

During the initial consultation, you can discuss your aesthetic goals, medical history, and any queries or concerns. The surgeon will provide comprehensive information about the procedure, its risks, the recovery process, and expected outcomes.

What is fat transfer breast augmentation, and how does it differ from implant-based augmentation?

Fat transfer breast augmentation involves harvesting fat from another area of the patient's body, purifying it, and injecting it into the breasts to increase their size and improve their shape. This method offers a more natural look and feel compared to implant-based augmentation but may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired results.

Can breast fat transfer correct breast asymmetry?

Breast fat transfer may be used to address mild breast asymmetry. However, the suitability of this approach should be discussed with your surgeon.

Is the fat transfer in a breast fat transfer permanent?

A certain percentage of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed by the body over time. The remaining fat that successfully integrates can be considered permanent.

Can a breast fat transfer procedure help with sagging breasts?

While a breast fat transfer can alter the size and shape of the breasts, it does not significantly address sagging or drooping. For this concern, a breast lift or mastopexy might be recommended, which can be performed in conjunction with a breast fat transfer.

What happens if I gain or lose weight after a breast fat transfer procedure?

Weight fluctuations can affect the results of a breast fat transfer. Gaining weight can lead to an increase in breast size, while losing weight can result in a decrease. Maintaining a stable weight post-procedure is advisable for consistent results.