What is a Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammoplasty or "boob job", is a surgical procedure performed by Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy. This procedure aims to enhance the size and shape of the breasts using implants or fat transfer, providing breast enlargement or breast enhancement to achieve the desired outcome. Breast augmentation can help patients achieve their desired breast appearance and achieve better breast symmetry.

It is essential to understand that breast augmentation is a serious decision and requires careful consideration. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications involved.

Dr. Hatem is committed to providing accurate and realistic information about the risks, potential risks, and recovery process associated with breast augmentation surgery.

Risks and Potential Complications

Some risks and potential complications associated with breast augmentation surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Implant rupture or leakage
  • Capsular contracture
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Scarring
  • Asymmetry or irregularities in breast shape and size
Breast Augmentation Recovery
The recovery process for breast augmentation surgery varies among individuals, as each person heals differently and has different pain thresholds. Typically, patients can expect to take one to two weeks off work, with restrictions on strenuous activities for up to six weeks. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

During the recovery period, you may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medication. You will also be required to wear a surgical bra or compression garment to support the healing process.

Consultation and Personalised Approach

At our , Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy offers personalized consultations for patients considering breast augmentation surgery.

During the consultation, you will discuss:

  • Your aesthetic goals
  • Medical history
  • Any concerns you may have

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide you with detailed information about the procedure, risks, recovery process, and expected outcomes.

It is essential to have realistic expectations about the results of breast augmentation surgery. Individual responses and results may vary due to factors such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy is dedicated to helping you make an informed decision and achieve the best possible outcome tailored to your unique needs.

To learn more about breast augmentation surgery or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy, please contact our clinic in Brisbane, Queensland today.


At Dr. Hatem Aesthetics we believe in transparent and all-inclusive pricing. Our costs cover everything you need for a successful and comfortable experience.


Our pricing includes:

  • X2 MOTIVA round implants
  • Compression garment
  • Keller funnel
  • Hospital & Anaesthetic fee
  • Dr. Hatem's fee
  • 12 months of postoperative appointments

Schedule an in person or virtual telehealth appointment at a time that suits you best using our online booking platform.



What is the difference between saline and silicone breast implants?

Saline breast implants are filled with sterile salt water, while silicone breast implants are filled with a silicone gel. Both types of implants have their own advantages and disadvantages. Silicone implants often feel more natural, but may require a larger incision. Saline implants have a slightly higher risk of visible rippling, but can be adjusted more easily after surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will discuss the best option for your specific needs and goals.

How long does it take to recover from breast augmentation surgery?

Recovery time varies among individuals, but most patients can expect to take one to two weeks off work. Strenuous activities should be avoided for up to six weeks following surgery. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Can I breastfeed after breast augmentation surgery?

Many women can successfully breastfeed after breast augmentation surgery, but it depends on factors such as implant placement, incision location, and individual circumstances. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy can discuss your specific situation during your consultation and address any concerns you may have about breastfeeding.

What can I expect during my breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy?

During your consultation, Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will discuss your aesthetic goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. He will provide detailed information about the procedure, risks, recovery process, and expected outcomes. The consultation is an opportunity for you to ask questions and ensure you make an informed decision about your breast augmentation surgery.

How can I determine the right size for my breast implants?

The right size for your breast implants depends on your individual anatomy, aesthetic goals, and lifestyle. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will guide you through the process of choosing the appropriate implant size, taking into consideration factors such as your body proportions, desired outcome, and natural breast tissue.

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants are not lifetime devices and may need to be replaced at some point. The average lifespan of breast implants is typically around 10 to 15 years, but this can vary depending on factors such as the type of implant, the individual's body, and surgical technique. Regular follow-ups with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy are important to monitor the condition of your implants and address any potential issues.

What is the difference between breast augmentation and breast lift surgery?

Breast augmentation focuses on increasing the size and fullness of the breasts using implants or fat transfer, while breast lift surgery (mastopexy) aims to correct sagging or drooping breasts by removing excess skin and reshaping the breast tissue. Some patients may choose to combine both procedures for optimal results.

Can I combine breast augmentation with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes, breast augmentation can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as a breast lift, tummy tuck, or liposuction, to achieve a more comprehensive transformation. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will discuss your individual goals during your consultation to determine the best combination of procedures for you.

What types of anesthesia are used during breast augmentation surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy and the anesthesia team will recommend the most suitable anesthesia option for your specific procedure and individual needs.

How long do the results of breast augmentation surgery last?

The results of breast augmentation surgery are long-lasting, but not permanent. Factors such as aging, weight fluctuations, and hormonal changes can affect the appearance of the breasts over time. Regular follow-ups with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy can help ensure the longevity of your results.

What is fat transfer breast augmentation, and how does it differ from implant-based augmentation?

Fat transfer breast augmentation involves harvesting fat from another area of the patient's body, purifying it, and injecting it into the breasts to increase their size and improve their shape. This method offers a more natural look and feel compared to implant-based augmentation but may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired results.

How do I choose the right breast implant shape and profile for my body?

Breast implants come in various shapes (round or teardrop) and profiles (low, moderate, or high). The best implant shape and profile for you depends on factors such as your body type, existing breast tissue, and desired appearance. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will guide you through the selection process during your consultation.

How soon can I return to exercise and sports after breast augmentation surgery?

You should avoid strenuous activities and sports for up to six weeks following breast augmentation surgery to allow your body to heal properly. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide specific recommendations for gradually resuming exercise based on your individual recovery progress.

How can I maintain the results of my breast augmentation surgery?

To maintain the results of your breast augmentation surgery, follow Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy's post-operative instructions, attend regular follow-up appointments, and maintain a stable weight. Wearing a well-fitted, supportive bra can also help preserve the shape and position of your breasts.

What are the costs associated with breast augmentation surgery?

The cost of breast augmentation surgery varies depending on factors such as the type of implants used, the complexity of the procedure, and the surgeon's fees. During your consultation, Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide a detailed cost estimate based on your individual needs and goals.