Face / Neck Lift

What is a Face - Neck Lift?

A face - neck lift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure performed by Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy. This procedure aims to change the appearance of the face and neck by removing excess skin, tightening underlying tissues, and repositioning the skin. It can address common signs of aging such as sagging, wrinkles, and loss of skin elasticity.

Like any surgical procedure, a face - neck lift requires careful consideration, and there are risks and potential complications involved.

Dr. Hatem is dedicated to providing accurate and realistic information about the procedure, risks, and recovery process associated with the procedure.

Risks and Potential Complications

Some risks and potential complications associated with face - neck lift include
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Nerve injury
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Scarring
  • Asymmetry or contour irregularities


Recovery from a face/neck lift varies among individuals. Typically, patients can expect to take one to two weeks off work, with restrictions on strenuous activities for up to four weeks. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

During recovery, you may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, manageable with prescribed medication. Proper care and follow-up appointments will support the healing process.

Consultation and Personalised Approach

At our , Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy offers personalized consultations for patients considering face - neck surgery.

During the consultation, you will discuss:

  • Your aesthetic goals
  • Medical history
  • Any concerns you may have

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide you with detailed information about the procedure, risks, recovery process, and expected outcomes.

It is essential to have realistic expectations about the results of breast augmentation surgery. Individual responses and results may vary due to factors such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy is dedicated to helping you make an informed decision and achieve the best possible outcome tailored to your unique needs.

To learn more about breast augmentation surgery or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy, please contact our clinic in Brisbane, Queensland today.

Watercolour painting of breast augmentation Dr Hatem Elfieshawy

Schedule an in person or virtual telehealth appointment at a time that suits you best using our online booking platform.



Can I combine a Face/Neck Lift with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes, a Face/Neck Lift can be combined with other procedures, such as eyelid surgery or brow lift. A personalised consultation with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will determine the best approach for your unique needs.

What are the costs associated with a Face/Neck Lift?

Costs vary based on factors such as location, surgeon's experience, and the complexity of the procedure. A detailed and clear cost breakdown will be provided during consultation.

How do I maintain the results of my Face/Neck Lift surgery?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, protecting your skin from the sun, and following post-operative care instructions can help maintain results. Regular follow-up appointments with your doctor are also recommended.

What can I expect during my Face/Neck Lift consultation with Dr. Hatem Aesthetics?

During consultation, you'll discuss your aesthetic goals, medical history, and any concerns. Dr. Hatem will provide information about the procedure, risks, recovery, and expected outcomes without minimizing risks or misleading about surgery aspects.

Is a Face/Neck Lift suitable for everyone?

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for a Face/Neck Lift. Factors such as age, skin type, health condition, and expectations will be assessed during consultation to determine suitability.

What type of anesthesia is used during a Face/Neck Lift?

General anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation may be used, depending on the extent of the procedure and patient preference. The anesthesia risks will be discussed during consultation.

How long do the results of a Face/Neck Lift last?

Results vary but can last several years. Aging, lifestyle, and genetics may affect the longevity of results. Regular follow-up and proper skincare can help maintain the appearance.

What is the difference between a mini face lift and a full Face/Neck Lift?

A mini face lift targets specific areas and may have a shorter recovery time, while a full Face/Neck Lift provides comprehensive change. The best option depends on individual needs and goals.

Can I return to exercise and sports after a Face/Neck Lift?

Gradual return to exercise is usually possible after 4-6 weeks, depending on individual healing and the surgeon's instructions.

What should I expect after the surgery?

Post-operative care instructions will be provided, including managing swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Regular follow-up appointments will support the healing process.

Are there non-surgical alternatives to a Face/Neck Lift?

Non-surgical treatments like fillers or laser therapy may provide temporary improvements but won't achieve the same results as a surgical Face/Neck Lift. Discuss options with a qualified practitioner.