Breast Reduction

What is a Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction, technically known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed by Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy. This operation is designed to reduce the size of large breasts that may cause a variety of medical and psychological issues.

The procedure involves the removal of excess breast tissue, fat, and skin, and the reshaping of the remaining breast tissue to produce smaller, more comfortable breasts. The nipples and areolas (the darker skin surrounding the nipples) may also be repositioned or resized to match the new breast size and shape.

A Breast Reduction can provide relief from physical symptoms caused by the weight of large breasts, such as neck, shoulder and back pain, skin irritation beneath the breasts, and discomfort during physical activity. It can also alleviate psychological upset due to the size and appearance.

Breast Reduction is a major surgery that requires careful consideration. As with any surgical procedure, it carries potential risks and complications, which should be discussed thoroughly with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy during the consultation process. It's important to note that individual results will vary and depend on various factors such as genetics, overall health, and lifestyle.

Risks and Potential Complications

Some risks and potential complications associated with breast reduction surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Difficulty or inability to breastfeed
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Asymmetry or irregularities in breast shape and size
  • Death

Breast Reduction Recovery

Recovery from a Breast Reduction varies among individuals. Typically, patients can expect to take one to two weeks off work, with a restriction on strenuous activities for up to six weeks.

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to assist in a smooth recovery.

During the recovery period, it is common to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. These symptoms can be managed with prescribed medication. A supportive surgical bra or compression garment will also need to be worn to aid the healing process.

Consultation and Personalised Approach

At our clinic, Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy provides personalised consultations for those considering a Breast Reduction.

During the consultation, you will discuss:

  • Your aesthetic goals
  • Medical history
  • Any concerns you may have

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide you with detailed information about the procedure, risks, recovery process, and expected outcomes.

It's important to have realistic expectations about the results of a Breast Reduction. Outcomes may vary due to factors such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy is committed to helping you make an informed decision and providing a result that aligns with your unique needs.

To learn more about Breast Reduction or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy, please contact our clinic today.


At Dr. Hatem Aesthetics we believe in transparent and all-inclusive pricing. Our costs cover everything you need for a successful and comfortable experience.


Our pricing includes:

  • Compression garment
  • Hospital & Anaesthetic fee
  • Dr. Hatem's fee
  • 12 months of postoperative appointments

Schedule an in person or virtual telehealth appointment at a time that suits you best using our online booking platform.



Who is a suitable candidate for a Breast Reduction?

Suitable candidates for a Breast Reduction are individuals in good health who experience physical discomfort or psychological distress due to overly large breasts.

How long does the Breast Reduction procedure take?

The procedure typically takes between 2-5 hours, depending on the complexity and individual factors.

Will a Breast Reduction affect my ability to breastfeed?

While many women can still breastfeed after a Breast Reduction, the ability to do so may be affected. This should be discussed with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy during your consultation.

What is the expected outcome of a Breast Reduction?

The goal of a Breast Reduction is to reduce breast size, alleviating the physical discomfort and emotional distress associated with overly large breasts.

Will I have noticeable scars after a Breast Reduction?

Scarring is a normal part of the healing process, but the scars will fade over time and can often be hidden under a bra or bikini top.

Can I combine a Breast Reduction with other procedures?

Yes, a Breast Reduction can often be combined with other procedures, such as a breast lift, depending on individual circumstances.

How will a Breast Reduction affect the overall appearance of my body?

A Breast Reduction can help achieve better proportion between the breasts and the rest of the body.

How can I prepare for a Breast Reduction?

Preparation may involve stopping certain medications, arranging for help during recovery, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to promote optimal healing.

Will a Breast Reduction help alleviate my back pain?

While individual experiences vary, many individuals find that a Breast Reduction can help alleviate back pain caused by the weight of overly large breasts.

What is the age limit for a Breast Reduction?

There's no specific age limit for a Breast Reduction, but it's generally recommended to wait until the breasts have fully developed. Additionally, older individuals should be in good overall health to reduce surgical risks.

Can men undergo a Breast Reduction?

Yes, men can undergo a Breast Reduction. This is usually in cases of Gynecomastia, a condition where men develop enlarged breasts.

What are the alternatives to a Breast Reduction?
Alternatives can include weight loss and physical therapy to manage discomfort. However, these may not provide the same results as a Breast Reduction.
What should I wear after a Breast Reduction?

After surgery, you'll likely need to wear a surgical bra or a supportive sports bra without underwire. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide specific recommendations.

Can a Breast Reduction change the shape of my breasts?

Yes, in addition to reducing size, a Breast Reduction can also alter the shape of the breasts, making them appear rounder and more lifted. This will depend on the specific technique used during the surgery.

Will a Breast Reduction affect nipple sensitivity?

While changes in nipple sensitivity are possible after a Breast Reduction, they are usually temporary. Most patients find that sensation gradually returns to normal over time.