
What is a Mastopexy

Mastopexy, also known as breast lift surgery, is a cosmetic procedure performed by Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy to elevate and reshape sagging or drooping breasts. The surgery involves removing excess skin, tightening the surrounding tissue, and repositioning the nipple and areola to achieve a more youthful and firmer breast appearance. Mastopexy can be performed in conjunction with breast augmentation or breast reduction to attain the desired size and shape.

As with any surgical procedure, mastopexy involves risks and potential complications. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy is dedicated to providing comprehensive information about the procedure, its risks, and the recovery process, enabling patients to make informed decisions.

Risks and Potential Complications

Some risks and potential complications associated with a mastopexy surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Poor wound healing or scarring
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation
  • Scarring
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Asymmetry or irregularities in breast shape and size

Mastopexy Recovery

The recovery process for mastopexy varies among individuals, depending on factors such as the extent of the surgery and individual healing capabilities. Generally, patients can expect to take one to two weeks off work, with restrictions on strenuous activities for up to six weeks. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide personalized post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

During the recovery period, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medication. A surgical bra or compression garment may be required to support the healing process and help minimize swelling.

Consultation and Personalised Approach

At our , Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy offers personalised consultations for patients considering mastopexy surgery.

During the consultation, you will discuss:

  • Your aesthetic goals
  • Medical history
  • Any concerns you may have

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide you with detailed information about the procedure, risks, recovery process, and expected outcomes.

It is essential to have realistic expectations about the results of breast augmentation surgery. Individual responses and results may vary due to factors such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy is dedicated to helping you make an informed decision and achieve the best possible outcome tailored to your unique needs.

To learn more about mastopexy surgery or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy, please contact our clinic in Brisbane, Queensland today.


At Dr. Hatem Aesthetics we believe in transparent and all-inclusive pricing. Our costs cover everything you need for a successful and comfortable experience.


Our pricing includes:

  • Compression garment
  • Hospital & Anaesthetic fee
  • Dr. Hatem's fee
  • 12 months of postoperative appointments

Schedule an in person or virtual telehealth appointment at a time that suits you best using our online booking platform.



What is the best candidate for mastopexy surgery?

Ideal candidates for mastopexy surgery are women with sagging or drooping breasts due to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or significant weight loss. Candidates should be in good general health, maintain a stable weight, and have realistic expectations about the surgery's results.

How is mastopexy surgery performed?

Mastopexy surgery involves removing excess skin, tightening the breast tissue, and repositioning the nipple and areola to create a more youthful and lifted breast appearance. The specific surgical technique used depends on factors such as the degree of breast sagging and the patient's desired outcome.

How long does mastopexy surgery take?

The duration of mastopexy surgery varies depending on the extent of the procedure, but it typically takes 2-3 hours to complete. More complex cases or combined procedures may require additional time in the operating room.

Can mastopexy be combined with breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery?

Yes, mastopexy can be combined with breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery to address both size and shape concerns. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will discuss your individual goals and recommend the most appropriate combination of procedures during your consultation.

What types of anaesthesia are used for mastopexy surgery?

Mastopexy surgery is typically performed under full general anaesthetic. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy and the anaesthesia team will recommend the most suitable anaesthesia option for your specific procedure and individual needs.

How long is the recovery period after mastopexy surgery?

The recovery period after mastopexy surgery varies among individuals. Most patients can expect to take one to two weeks off work and may have restrictions on strenuous activities for up to six weeks. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide personalised post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Are there any visible scars after mastopexy surgery?

Scarring is an inevitable part of mastopexy surgery, but Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy employs advanced surgical techniques to minimize scarring and place incisions in less visible locations. Over time, scars typically fade and become less noticeable.

How long do the results of mastopexy surgery last?

The results of mastopexy surgery are long-lasting, but factors such as aging, weight fluctuations, and hormonal changes can affect breast appearance over time. Maintaining a stable weight and leading a healthy lifestyle can help preserve the results of your surgery.

Will mastopexy surgery affect my ability to breastfeed in the future?

Mastopexy surgery may affect your ability to breastfeed, depending on the surgical technique used and the extent of tissue manipulation. If you plan to breastfeed in the future, discuss your concerns with Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy during your consultation.

How soon can I exercise after mastopexy surgery?

You should avoid strenuous activities and exercise for up to six weeks following mastopexy surgery. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide specific recommendations for gradually resuming exercise based on your individual recovery progress.

Can mastopexy correct asymmetrical breasts?

Mastopexy can help improve breast symmetry by lifting and reshaping the breasts. However, additional procedures such as breast augmentation or breast reduction may be necessary to achieve optimal symmetry. Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will discuss the best approach to address asymmetry during your consultation.

What are the potential side effects of mastopexy surgery?

Potential side effects of mastopexy surgery include swelling, bruising, discomfort, and changes in nipple or breast sensation. These side effects are usually temporary and can be managed with medication and proper post-operative care.

How can I determine the best mastopexy technique for my needs?

The most suitable mastopexy technique for your needs depends on factors such as the degree of breast sagging, your desired outcome, and your unique anatomy. During your consultation, Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will carefully assess your breasts, discuss your aesthetic goals, and recommend the most appropriate mastopexy technique to achieve optimal results tailored to your individual needs.

How can I prepare for mastopexy surgery?

To prepare for mastopexy surgery, you may need to undergo a pre-operative evaluation, including blood tests and a baseline mammogram. You should also follow any instructions provided by Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy, such as quitting smoking, avoiding certain medications, and arranging for post-operative care and transportation.

How much does mastopexy surgery cost?

The cost of mastopexy surgery varies depending on factors such as the surgeon's experience, the extent of the procedure, and geographical location. During your consultation, Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy will provide a detailed cost estimate tailored to your specific surgical plan.